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Use this API to cancel outbound.Completed and cancelled cannot be cancelled

POST /openapi/fulfillment/outbound/v1/cancel

Request Body

Parameter Type Required Description
outboundNo string true Identifiers of outbound

Response Body

Name Type Description
code string SUCCESS | ERROR
message string The status code detailed explanation.
data object No data returned will be null.
extra string An exception message (should be empty most of the time).
transactionId string An unique string identifier for each request.
pricingStrategy string Shows you whether this api call will be charged by Ginee, currently all APIs are FREE even though this tag is PAY.

Request Example


curl -X POST  \
-H "X-Advai-Country: ID" \
-H "Authorization: {Your Access Key} + ':' + signature" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
    }' \
"{Ginee Host}/openapi/fulfillment/inbound/v1/cancel"


    "code": "SUCCESS",
    "message": "OK",
    "data": null,
    "extra": null,
    "transactionId": "19d607ea5d78852a"


    "code": "PARAMETER_ERROR",
    "message": "Parameter is invalid: Parameter should not be empty: inboundNo ",
    "data": null,
    "extra": null