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Use this API to create outbound.

POST /openapi/fulfillment/outbound/v1/create

Request Body

Parameter Type Required Length Description
outboundNo string true 50 Identifiers of outbound
outboundSource string true 20 Distinguish outbound orders from different OMS's.Please refer to OMS Channel for details
warehouseCode string true 20 The Ginee Wms warehouse code for which the binding relationship has been created
channelOrderNo string true 128 Channel Order Number
logisticName string true 100 Logistics provider name
orderDetails object[] true / Details of the sku to be stocked See OrderDetail
faceSheetPdfPath string true 1000 Logistics label pdf link address (required when the recipient name and recipient address are empty)
trackingNumber string false 64 Logistics tracking number
orderTime timestamp false / Order placement time
payTime timestamp false / Payment Time
expiration timestamp false / Order cut-off shipping time
channelShopId string false 45 Channel shop id
channelShopName string false 45 Channel shop name
channel string false 45 Please refer to Ginee Channel for details
buyerRemark string false 1000 Buyer remarks
sellerRemark string false 1000 seller remarks
payMethod string false 256 Payment method
recipientName string false 128 Name of the recipient of the order
recipientAddress string false 1000 Address of the recipient of the order
recipientCity string false 255 Order Recipient's City
recipientArea string false 255 Order Recipient's Area
recipientZip string false 20 Postal code of the order recipient
recipientContact string false 128 Order recipient's contact information
senderName string false 512 Sender's name
senderContact string false 128 Sender's contact information
senderZip string false 20 Postal code of sender
regionCode string false 50 Region Code
secondRegionCode string false 50 Second Region Code
packetWeight double false / weight(Unit:g)
dropShipperName string false 200 Shipper's name
dropShipperPhone string false 200 Shipper's phone
deliveryType string false 100 Delivery type (for list display and face sheet display)
deliveryMethod string false 100 Please refer to Delivery method for details
logisticsProviderNameType string false 100 Logistics provider name type (for list display and face sheet display)
payAmount double false / Payment amount


Name Type Required Length Description
itemSku string true 512 Item SKU
requestQuantity int true / outbound quantity
packageId string false 45 Package Id (multiple SKUs need to pass the same packageId when combining packages)

Response Body

Name Type Description
code string SUCCESS | ERROR
message string The status code detailed explanation.
data object No data returned will be null.
extra string An exception message (should be empty most of the time).
transactionId string An unique string identifier for each request.
pricingStrategy string Shows you whether this api call will be charged by Ginee, currently all APIs are FREE even though this tag is PAY.

Request Example


curl -X POST  \
-H "X-Advai-Country: ID" \
-H "Authorization: {Your Access Key} + ':' + signature" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
       "outboundSource": "HAOMA_ERP",
       "outboundNo": "test_openapi_20221027-1613168543328111",
       "faceSheetPdfPath": "",
       "channelOrderNo": "channel_order_20221027-16131632919",
       "warehouseCode": "WH0007",
       "trackingNumber": "161316",
       "logisticName": "SuDaExpress",
       "orderTime": null,
       "payTime": null,
       "orderDetails": [
               "itemSku": "textM7",
               "requestQuantity": 2
       "channelShopId": "0213231",
       "channelShopName": "ABCRP",
       "channel": "LAZADA_ID",
       "expiration": "1651199240",
       "buyerRemark": "",
       "sellerRemark": "",
       "payMethod": "COD",
       "recipientName": "Temo",
       "recipientAddress": "China",
       "recipientCity": "123",
       "recipientArea": "456",
       "recipientZip": "77",
       "recipientContact": "123923394294",
       "senderName": "Filk",
       "senderContact": "1334293484",
       "senderZip": "38102",
       "senderAddress": "Newziland",
       "regionCode": "ak123",
       "secondRegionCode": "123",
       "packetWeight": null,
       "dropShipperName": "to",
       "dropShipperPhone": "13823848392",
       "deliveryType": "SAME DAY",
       "deliveryMethod": "PICK_UP",
       "logisticsProviderNameType": "JTU",
       "payAmount": null
}' \
"{Ginee Host}/openapi/fulfillment/outbound/v1/detail"


    "code": "SUCCESS",
    "message": "OK",
    "data": null,
    "extra": null,
    "transactionId": "3d6523886f646e6d"


    "code": "PARAMETER_ERROR",
    "message": "Parameter is invalid: Parameter should not be empty: outboundNo ",
    "data": null,
    "extra": null