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Use this API to get printing document information.

GET /openapi/order/v1/print-document/get

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
orderId string true Order id in Ginee

Response Parameters

Name Type Description
orderId string Ginee order id
channelId string Channel id
orderSn string Channel order number
packageNumber string Package number
trackingNumber string Tracking number
cod boolean cod, true or false
lastMileTrackingNumber string Last mile tracking number
recipientAddress object Recipient address,See RecipientAddress Info
sortCode object Sort code,See SortCode Info
serviceType string Logistics service type,EZ or ECO
itemTotalWeight bigDecimal Total weight of item, Unit: g

RecipientAddress Info

Name Type Description
name string name
phone string phone
fullAddress string Full address

SortCode Info

Name Type Description
areaCode string Area code
zipCode string Zip code
hubCode string Hub code

Request Example


curl -X GET  \
-H "X-Advai-Country: ID" \
-H "Authorization: {Your Access Key} + ':' + signature" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
"{Ginee Host}/openapi/order/v1/print-document/get?orderId=SO6667381DFA4F8C0001CB2E68


    "code": "SUCCESS",
    "message": "成功",
    "data": {
        "orderSn": "576938077251536698",
        "packageNumber": "ABC",
        "trackingNumber": "",
        "recipientAddress": {
            "name": "Fitri buk adil",
            "phone": "(+62)081252192660",
            "fullAddress": "Jawa Timur, Kab. Bondowos o, Curahdami, jl Brigpol s udarlan... brat lpngan petung, mas ing gang mas jid,,,penambangan rt8,rw5"
        "cod": false,
        "sortCode": {
            "areaCode": null,
            "zipCode": null,
            "hubCode": "NJVTT06015184038"
        "lastMileTrackingNumber": null,
        "serviceType": "EZ"
        "itemTotalWeight": "29.00"
    "extra": null,
    "pricingStrategy": "PAY"


    "code": "PARAMETER_ERROR",
    "message": "Kesalahan parameter, silakan periksa permintaan Anda apakah memiliki parameter ilegal",
    "data": null,
    "extra": null,
    "pricingStrategy": "FREE"


You need to check the code to see if the operation was successful. If failed, see message for detail reason.