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Use this API to get a summary of the master variation.

POST /openapi/product/master/v1/list-master-variation

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
masterSkus array(string) false master sku,Supports up to 20
masterVariationIds array(string) false variation id,Supports up to 20,One of masterSkus and masterVariationIds must be filled in.

Response Parameters

Name Type Description
productId string Product id in Ginee
variationId string Variation id in Ginee
name string Product name
masterProductType string NORMAL or BUNDLE
masterSku string Master sku
masterVariationType string Master variation type (NORMAL,BUNDLE)
optionValues array(string) Option values
createDatetime UTC timestamp Create date time
updateDatetime UTC timestamp Update date time

Request Example


curl --location --request POST '{Ginee Host}/openapi/product/master/v1/list-master-variation' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Advai-Country: ID' \
--header 'Authorization: 2aedf7919e5e6cb4:n0IECNXloTKCTSSxeBEYhzmeVClHmgvw4ruI3W2f9eY=' \
--data-raw '{


    "code": "SUCCESS",
    "message": "成功",
    "data": [
            "productId": "MP663C95126522050001B69AF3",
            "variationId": "MV663C95126522050001B69AF4",
            "name": "dsftest-zuhe-0509005-主品",
            "masterProductType": "BUNDLE",
            "masterSku": "dsftest-zuhe-0509005-主品",
            "optionValues": [
            "createDatetime": "2024-05-09T09:19:14Z",
            "updateDatetime": "2024-05-09T09:20:28Z"
    "extra": null,
    "pricingStrategy": "PAY"

Invalid parameters

    "code": "PARAMETER_ERROR",
    "message": "error message",
    "data": null,
    "extra": null


You need to check the code to see if the operation was successful. If failed, see message for detail reason.