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Use this api to get the specified master variation price list, including the channel's variation price.

POST /openapi/product/variation/v1/list-price

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
keywordType string false keyword type, see KeywordType for details
keyword string false keyword value
masterVariationIds array(string) false master variation ids
page long true The current page
size long true size


Parameter Description
NAME product name
SKU master sku
BARCODE bar code
SKU_IG_CASE ignore case
SKU_BATCH_EXACTLY_IG_CASE exact query regardless of case

Response Parameters

Name Type Description
productId string product id
variationId string master variation id
productName string product name
variationName string master variation name
image string product image
masterSku string master sku
masterPrice Price master price, see Price for details
createDatetime UTC timestamp create time
channelPriceVOList array(ChannelPriceVOList) master sku, see ChannelPriceVOList for details


Name Type Description
amount decimal selling price,less than 1000000000
currencyCode string currency code, default is IDR, see Currency Code for details


Name Type Description
channelVariationId string channel variation id
shopId string shop id
shopName string shop name
shopLogo string shop logo
channel string Please refer to Ginee Channel for details
channelPrice Price channel price, see Price for details
channelSellingPrice Price channel selling price, see Price for details
isCanUpdateProduct boolean tiki needs to use isCanUpdateProduct to determine whether to run and modify the commodity price

Request Example


curl --location --request POST '{Ginee Host}/openapi/product/variation/v1/list-price' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Advai-Country: ID' \
--header 'Authorization: 2aedf7919e5e6cb4:n0IECNXloTKCTSSxeBEYhzmeVClHmgvw4ruI3W2f9eY=' \
--data-raw '{
    "masterVariationIds": ["MV62467624CFF47E0001016AA9"],
    "page": 0,
    "size": 15


    "code": "SUCCESS",
    "message": "成功",
    "data": {
        "page": 0,
        "size": 10,
        "total": 1,
        "content": [
                "productId": "MP62467624CFF47E0001016AA8",
                "variationId": "MV62467624CFF47E0001016AA9",
                "productName": "test0401001",
                "variationName": "-",
                "image": "",
                "masterSku": "test0401001",
                "masterPrice": {
                    "amount": 100.000000,
                    "currencyCode": "IDR"
                "createDatetime": "2022-04-01T03:48:53Z",
                "channelPriceVOList": [
                        "channelVariationId": "VA61F2E4B8F4428A000194D149",
                        "shopId": "SH6184993246E0FB0001DC5C7B",
                        "shopName": "Bisa Belanja",
                        "shopLogo": null,
                        "channel": "LAZADA_ID",
                        "channelPrice": {
                            "amount": 1111111.00,
                            "currencyCode": "IDR"
                        "channelSellingPrice": {
                            "amount": 1111111.00,
                            "currencyCode": "IDR"
                        "isCanUpdateProduct": true
    "extra": null,
    "pricingStrategy": "PAY"

Invalid parameters

    "code": "PARAMETER_ERROR",
    "message": "error message",
    "data": null,
    "extra": null


You need to check the code to see if the operation was successful. If failed, see message for detail reason.