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Use this API to update the spare stock of an product,Support for increase, decrease, and overriding updates.

POST /openapi/v1/oms/stock/spare-stock/update

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
stockList array(object) true Stock update list, Maximum 20, Please refer to Stock Info for details

Stock Info

Parameter Type Required Description
masterSku string true Master sku
action string true INCREASE/DECREASE/OVER_WRITE, INCREASE(Increase in stock on top of existing stock), DECREASE(Reduction of stock on top of existing stock),OVER_WRITE(Overwrite original stock)
quantity long true Quantity
warehouseId string false Ginee warehouse id,If this sku only exists in one warehouse, it can be left out, otherwise it is required.
shelfInventoryId string false Ginee shelfInventory Id,If there is only one shelf in the warehouse, it can be left out, otherwise it is required.
remark string false remark

Response Parameters

Name Type Description
failedList array(object) Failed list, please refer to Failed Info for details
successList array(object) Success list , please refer to Success Info for details

Failed Info

Name Type Description
masterSku string Master product sku
errorMessage string Error message

Success Info

Name Type Description
warehouseId long Warehouse id
masterSku string Master product sku
masterProductName string Master product name
masterVariationId string Master variation id
transportStock Long Transport stock
warehouseStock Long Warehouse stock
spareStock Long Spare stock
promotionStock Long Promotion stock
lockedStock Long Locked stock
availableStock Long Available stock
safetyStock Long Safety stock
outStock Long Out stock
updateDatetime datetime Update date and time

Request Example


curl --location --request POST '{Ginee Host}/openapi/v1/oms/stock/spare-stock/update' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'X-Advai-Country: ID' \
    --header 'Authorization: {Your Access Key} + ':' + signature' \
    --data-raw '{
                "masterSku": "dsftest0221004",
                "action": "INCREASE",
                "quantity": 10,
                "warehouseId": "",
                "shelfInventoryId": "",
                "remark": "from openapi"
                "masterSku": "24324324324",
                "action": "INCREASE",
                "quantity": 90,
                "warehouseId": "",
                "shelfInventoryId": "",
                "remark": "from openapi"



    "code": "SUCCESS",
    "message": "成功",
    "data": {
        "failedList": null,
        "successList": [
                "warehouseId": "WW62BEF8F26522050001FB4921",
                "masterSku": "dsftest0221004",
                "masterProductName": "dsftest0221004",
                "masterVariationId": "MV660BA9F39B97170001945E08",
                "transportStock": 1,
                "warehouseStock": 109,
                "spareStock": 100,
                "promotionStock": 0,
                "lockedStock": 9,
                "availableStock": 0,
                "outStock": 0,
                "safetyStock": 0,
                "updateDatetime": "2024-06-13T09:24:16Z"
    "extra": null,
    "pricingStrategy": "PAY"

Parameter error

    "code": "SUCCESS",
    "message": "成功",
    "data": {
        "failedList": [
                "masterSku": "dsftest0221004111",
                "errorMessage": "masterSku is invalid, please check."
                "masterSku": "24324324324",
                "errorMessage": "masterSku has more than one warehouse, please fill in the warehouseId."
        "successList": [
                "warehouseId": "WW62BEF8F26522050001FB4921",
                "masterSku": "dsftest0221004",
                "masterProductName": "dsftest0221004",
                "masterVariationId": "MV660BA9F39B97170001945E08",
                "transportStock": 1,
                "warehouseStock": 109,
                "spareStock": 100,
                "promotionStock": 0,
                "lockedStock": 9,
                "availableStock": 0,
                "outStock": 0,
                "safetyStock": 0,
                "updateDatetime": "2024-06-13T09:24:16Z"
    "extra": null,
    "pricingStrategy": "PAY"